
从1月31日到2月4日, 韦德娱乐app下载地址学校举办了一年一度的全球教育周! The week is designed to share various cultures and perspectives with students and 教师, with the goal of developing a deeper understanding and awareness of the world around us.


To kick off the week, the community enjoyed a Netflix watch party for Calcio Storico. 世界上最残酷的运动之一, Calcio Storico is a Florentine tradition that began in the 1600s and is still played today by the Florence districts. 因为这项运动太暴力了, 一年只能打三次, 游戏最多持续50分钟. 观看caltio Storico预告片


特拉维斯Evans-Sago 是Ph值.D. student in the Hispanic Linguistics program at Indiana University. 特拉维斯专门研究社会语言学, 第二语言习得, 语用学, 话语分析. He is currently examining the speech perception of socially indexed cues, 比如那些与性取向有关的, 以西班牙语为第一和第二语言的人. Travis discussed why it’s important to study linguistics and how language can give insight into various cultures. 结束演讲, he had students participate in an exercise where he described three Chinese learners of Spanish with different educational levels and various settings in which they learned the language. Students then listened to three sound clips and tried to figure out who the voices belonged to based on the background information provided to them. 

星期二和星期四, World Language Tables were set up in the dining hall for students to stop by and learn common words/phrases from other students, 教师, 以及精通西班牙语或法语的员工.


Students started off the day learning about our exchange programs in Barcelona and Switzerland from past participants Isaiah Ginsberg-Henry '20, 亨利·伊斯特本,22岁, 亚当·莫恩22岁. 他们讨论了项目期间会发生什么, 文化的异同, 以及一些他们最喜欢的网站和经历. 我们很高兴能见到以赛亚, who is now studying political science with a concentration in international relations at Saint Louis University Madrid Campus!

西班牙俱乐部举办了一场西班牙糖果品尝比赛. 学生们可以品尝Skinkles(墨西哥), 杏仁糖(西班牙语), Barrilete(哥伦比亚), 和Supercoco(哥伦比亚),然后投票选出他们最喜欢的.

凡妮莎露娜 spoke to the Spanish III class about community-based fire management in the Peruvian Andes. 凡妮莎是博士.D. 佛罗里达大学的学生. Her research focuses on an in-depth immersion into Quechua communities to investigate the why of uncontrolled fires, 影响, 社会适应力, 以及其他利益相关者的角色. 她讨论了火对某些生态系统的必要性, 处方烧伤是如何起作用的, 以及如何与火共存,并学会利用它为我们造福. 

大会的特色是与 Fatima Daryabi, 23岁,由 亚当·莫恩22岁, 阿米莉亚·沃森23岁, 安娜丽丝·霍顿,24岁. 法蒂玛描述了她在美国的成长经历.S. occupied Afghanistan, how suddenly her and her family’s lives changed after the U.S. 撤军以及随后被塔利班接管. Despite the current situation, she remains optimistic about Afghanistan's future. 

周三晚上, 卡洛·皮尼拉25岁 带领一个烹饪班,教我们如何做美味的食物 鸡、.


斯科特Eirinberg 成立 不情愿的交易实验 in 2012. 他对香料生意一点兴趣都没有, 而是在收到一位印度朋友寄来的一包胡椒之后, 他发现并不是所有的胡椒都是一样的. Scott shared many images from a trip he took to see how the pepper was being harvested and talked to students about how his reluctance changed after tasting the spice. He explained that many people have never experienced fresh spices since they can normally sit in warehouses for years. In thinking about the farm-to-table industry Scott decided to reach out to restaurants as a farm-to-table spice provider and the business took off from there! 

我们的金融数学课有 凯尔的权力,首席执行官 LibertyPay,了解比特币和加密汇款支付. He shared a blockchain demo and gave an overview of what bitcoin, hashing, bitcoin mining are. Kyle also discussed how he launched the first cash-to-bitcoin kiosk in 2014. 学生们向他提出一连串的问题, each student who asked a question received some bitcoin of their own! 


夏洛特Gheorgean is a magistrate in the German court and joined our Spanish and French classes to talk about how studying abroad can shape their future. Charlotte discussed similarities and differences she discovered between school in the United States and Germany from her time studying in the U.S. 她16岁时住了十个月. She also discussed her time spent abroad in Australia and France, sharing that these experiences helped her experience different cultures on a deeper level than in the classroom and put her on her career path. When asked what advice she had for students taking part in an exchange program she recommended talking to people who have done the program before, 阅读当地的旅游书籍, not being afraid to speak the language of your host county. 

在艺术课2中, Ali Eckstein, 22岁 领导了一场精彩的讨论女孩,这是安提瓜裔美国作家牙买加·金凯德的短篇小说.